- Students must bring their Almanac to school every day.
- All Students must wear the school uniform in a clean and neat manner. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are highly encouraged, including short and clean fingernails with no nail polish.
- Students should come to school with all the necessary materials for the day’s work.
- Daily assembly is held at the beginning of the day. Students should move to the assembly area at the first bell, arrange themselves by height and class, and observe absolute silence at the second bell during prayers. No talking is allowed while returning to classes.
- Students should avoid littering in the school premises and use designated bins. Plastic materials banned by the government are not allowed.
- Students must not leave the school premises without the Principal’s permission.
- Magazines or comics should not be brought to school without the Principal’s knowledge.
- The school is not responsible for lost items, so students are advised to take care of their belongings. Bringing money or valuables to school is discouraged. Books and necessary items should be carried in a bag.
- Any damage to school property must be reported to the Principal, and the responsible party must compensate for it.
- Collections for any purpose require prior permission from the Principal.
- Private tuitions are discouraged but may be considered after consulting the Principal.
- Parents are urged to ensure their children complete homework regularly and collect Progress Reports on Parent-Teacher Contact Days.
- Irregular attendance, unexplained absences, habitual idleness, repeated failures, or disobedience can lead to dismissal.
- Students are accountable for their conduct both inside and outside the school. Misbehaviour in public places may result in disciplinary action.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones or electronic gadgets to school, and strict action will be taken against violators.
- Only Classes XI & XII students with valid driving licenses and parental consent may come to school on bikes, with mandatory helmet use.
- Bullying is strictly prohibited within the school premises, and any such act will be noticed and punished.
- Any communication from parents/guardians should be directed to the Principal. Please include the child’s details like address, phone number, roll number, class, and section.
- Parents are kindly requested not to visit classrooms or make phone calls to contact their children/teachers during school hours. In case of emergencies, please contact the Principal/Co-ordinator.
- Notify the school promptly in writing of any changes in residential address, telephone number, or other essential information.
- For security reasons, requests for half-day leave should be avoided, and sick children should not be sent to school.
- Parents are reminded to refrain from criticizing the school or teachers in front of their children, as it can negatively impact students’ respect for their teachers and hinder their learning progress.
- In the case of a valid complaint, parents should meet with the Principal at the earliest opportunity for personal verification.
- Parents are urged to cooperate with the school by ensuring their children maintain regularity, punctuality, and discipline. Pay attention to the daily Almanac for homework and instructions. Check your child’s bag for any issued circulars, notices, or invitations.
- Recognize that student absence during the term is not in the best interest of the student. Avoid requesting leave if possible.
- Before making phone inquiries, parents should consult the school calendar, date sheets, and other circulars.
- It is advisable for students not to bring sweets or presents to celebrate birthdays or other occasions. Instead, consider donating books or useful educational items to the library.
- Leave of absence requires prior request from the parent/guardian. In emergencies, the Principal should be informed.
- Proper leave applications, signed by the parent in the school diary, are necessary for any absence. Sick leave requires a medical certificate, to be submitted on the day of returning.
- Continuous absence for 15 days without leave will result in the removal of the student’s name from class rolls. Upon re-admission, the usual admission fee shall be charged.
- Students with infectious diseases like Chickenpox and Measles should not attend school until the infection period is over. The specific guidelines are:
- Measles: 11 days from the onset of fever.
- Chickenpox: 2 weeks after the rash appears and until the scabs completely fall off.
- Conjunctivitis: 1 week.
- All students are expected to attend school on closing and reopening days after breaks/vacations.
- The school gate will close 5 minutes after the start of school hours.
- Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the school.
- Habitual latecomers will face necessary disciplinary action.
K.G. Section
Boys: Red T-shirt and multicolour checks cotton half pant. Embroidered school logo on the left side.
Girls: Red T-shirt and multicolour checks cotton skirt. Embroidered school logo on the left side.
Boys: White cotton half-sleeve shirts, dark navy-blue cotton trouser. Embroidered school logo on the left side of the shirt. White Plain with blue stripes cotton socks. Black leather shoes with lace.
Girls: White cotton half-sleeve shirts, dark navy blue divided skirt. White Plain with blue stripes cotton socks. Black leather buckle shoes. Navy blue or Red ribbons/bands. Embroidered school logo on the left side of the shirt.